October 20-25, 2024
About Our Programs
Every year, during the third week of October, Power + Systems trainers and consultants across the globe conduct Pro Bono Partnership Events (Organizational Workshops, When Cultures Meet Workshops, Presentations, Conversations, Consultations, Book Discussions, and more) for non-profit educational, charitable, service and advocacy organizations in their communities.
W3P programs are high-impact events. Rather than talking about partnership, participants experience directly the issues, challenges, and opportunities of creating partnership up, down, and across organizational lines and with the groups they serve. These experiential programs create “gut” learning that sticks with participants for years to come. In addition to providing valuable insights and practical strategies, these programs offer a fun, engaging way for groups to learn together. (See Workshops & Programs)
How do programs Happen?
There are two ways. Some programs come about when trainers reach out to groups in their local communities. These may be groups trainers have an ongoing connection with or a passion for their mission.
The other way is when local groups learn about W3P, envision the benefits for their organizations, and reach out to us to connect them with trainers in their local areas.
In either case, trainers and community group leaders work collaboratively to make the event happen.
To request an event, please complete the request form on this page and we will contact you.
What Groups Do we Serve?
The following are examples of the audiences W3P intends to serve:
- School systems
- Local governments
- Shelters - Women, Men, Family
- Food banks
- Non-profit hospitals, universities, environmental action groups
- Community centers
- Faith-based groups - houses of worship, schools,YMCA/YWCA type organizations
- Boys and Girls clubs, Scouts, Guides
- Prisons and prisoner services
- United Way (in the U.S.) or other networks of member organizations
- Advocacy groups
- Goodwill Industries
Participating Trainers
W3P is a worldwide network of talented and dedicated consultants and trainers. In addition to their many gifts, they have all been certified to conduct the Organization Workshop and/or When Cultures Meet Workshop. Throughout the year, their work may take these trainers to distant locations while working with many of the world’s largest corporations. During W3P, however, their energy is focused locally and on educational, governmental, service, and charitable organizations in their local communities.